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Estate planning and inheritance tax

We know that estate planning can be partnered with emotional difficulty but we want to start a fresh conversation to help you envision the future of your assets.

Financial planning > Estate planning and inheritance tax

Estate planning and inheritance tax

If you’re ready to get your affairs in order and find out the most efficient way to pass on your estate to your loved ones, book a call to get started on your journey.

Download our free
inheritance tax guide

We’ve created a guide on everything you need to know about inheritance tax, so you have a complete understanding of the topic.

What is estate planning?

Estate planning involves creating a plan to transfer your assets to your beneficiaries or next of kin in a tax-efficient manner. This will allow you to pass on a larger portion of your estate. Keep in mind that tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and may change in the future.

It includes things like preparing a will, powers of attorney, and other legal documents. Making sure your estate is distributed correctly and efficiently.

Estate planning is particularly valuable if you have acquired wealth, own a home, or have personal goods you wish to endow to your loved ones.

We are here to help you create a plan that suits you, focusing on the protection of your assets and inspiring confidence in your own decisions.

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What to expect

Our team is dedicated to delivering a service that prioritises your understanding of financial information, making sure to avoid language that leads to more complications than clarity.

We work with everyday people to help them feel secure about the future of their finances through our commitment to delivering information in a straightforward manner.

Like a lot of people, you may have experienced a convoluted conversation with a financial professional which ended with a concerning amount of question marks raised; you may have even felt more confused than you were to begin with. We want to change this and we intend to do so by being three things: clear, upfront, and to the point.

Working together enables us to place your needs at the centre of your plan, making sure you feel in control of the discussion and giving you complete access to:


Is estate planning important?

Estate planning is worth it if you are concerned about the future of your assets when you are no longer living. Having a plan will ensure the security of your loved ones, the protection of your wealth, and the grounding of your legacy.

Is estate planning the same as a will?

Estate planning is not technically the same as a will. It is a broad term and encompasses a range of things and writing a will is one of them. The process will most likely involve will-writing but it will also look at powers of attorney, trusts, and business succession planning.

Why is estate planning important?

Estate planning is important when it comes to thinking about what will happen to your assets when you’re no longer here. Creating a plan means you know what will happen to your money, who can access/receive it, and how you can strategise effectively to reduce your inheritance tax liabilites.

This information is not intended to be, and cannot be relied upon, as financial advice. Capital is at risk.

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